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14 商业术语
commerce, trade   贸易                commercial channels   商业渠道
international trade  国际贸易           free trade area         自由贸易区
import            进口               importer              进口商
export            出口               exporter               出口商
customs           海关               customs duty           关税
inland trade/home trade 国内贸易       foreign trade         对外贸易 
foreign trade       对外贸易,外贸     wholesaler           批发商
retailer            零售商             consumer           消费者,用户
customer           顾客,客户        stocks               存货,库存量
purchase           购买,进货        buyer                买主,买方
sale               销售              cash sale             现货
trademark         商标               market              市场
home market       国内市场          open market         公开市场
black market        黑市              monopoly           垄断
demand            需求              outlet                销路
valuation           估价               budget             预算
accounting         会计               accountant          会计师
cash               现金              cashier               出纳
price              价格               cost price            成本价
prime cost/ first price  最初成本         factory               出厂价
net price          实价                purchase price       买价,进货价格
wholesale price     批发价             retail price           零售价
market price       市场价              fixed price           固定价格
preferential price    优惠价             piece price/ unit price  单价
maximum price     最高价             minimum price        最低价
payment           支付               sum                 总数,金额
bill/check          汇票               receipt                收据
advance payment   预付                cash payment         现金付
discount           折扣 
二  一些日常用语
A: Excuse me, Sir/Miss/Ma’am .  Is there a bank near there(here)?
B: Yes.There’s a bank on park Roat.
A: Pardon me.Where’s the nearest phone box?
B: H’s at the corner of this street and ZhongShan Road.
   Go straight along this street.
   H’s at the end of this roat/ Take the first left, then right.
A: Excuse me , could/can you tell me how to get to the bus station?
B: Take the second street on your left. It’s at the end of the road.
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome.
A: Good morning!
B: Good morning!
A: I’m Han Mei. That is your name?
B: My name is Jim Green.
A: Hello! (Hi!)
B: Hello!
A: Nice to meet you!
B: Nice to meet you, too! (me, too)
A: Sit down, please.
B: Thank you (Thanks,/Thanks a lot. / Thank you very much)
A: How do you do?
B: How do you do?
A: How are you?
B: Fine , thanks, And you?
A: I’m fine , too. Thank you.
A: Where are you going?
B: I am going to the dining-room for breakfast.
A: Hello! Are you Wei Hua?
B: Yes ,I am.
A: Excuse me, Are you Li Ming?
B: No, I am not , I am Li Lei.
A: How far is it from Ling sham to Beijing?
B: About 300 kilometres.
A: Welcome to China!
B: Thank you.
A: Goodbye! (Bye! / Bye-bye!)
B: Goodbye!
A: See you later!
B: See you!
A: What class are you in?
B: I’m in class 3 , Grade 1.
A: What’s one plus one?
B: It’s two.
A: How old are you? / What’s your age?
B: I am 19.
A: What’s your telephone number? ( postcode)
B: It’s 65265188
A: What’s the matter of your watch?
B: It’s one of order.
A: What’s this in English?
B: It’s a computer.
A: What’s that?
B: It’s a car. / It’s an ink-bottle.
A: Who is this?
B: This is David.
A: Who’s that?
B: That’s Tom.
A: How old is he?
B: He is seven.
A: Where is Kate?
B: She is in her room.
A: Excuse me. What’s the time?( What time is it?)
B: It’s six past seven (It’s seven six ) 7:06

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